In this case, I feel it is most certainly the compact disc. I know the resurgence of vinyl is all the buzz at the moment, but I believe that you should buy an album in a format that best suits the music.

I also don’t feel we need to see a vinyl re-issue of Breathless. Hence, the standard CD should be the epitome of perfection for most music lovers. Yes, I acknowledge there are HDCD, XRCD, and SACD editions available in China and Japan but I think you’d be hard-pressed to notice a difference unless you’ve got a very expensive and very revealing system. In retrospect, that was an incredibly naive choice so a few years ago when I began building my record collection again, I picked up the CD for the fifth time and other than a misprint, I couldn’t be happier as the mastering of the CD is the same as that originally release in 1992 and shows just how exceptional the humble CD can sound. After several years, and at the dawn of the MP3 era, I thought it was a good idea to digitise all my albums into this new technological format and sell the CD on eBay. Oh, and I picked up the cassette release as well for I didn’t have a Discman at the time. I then purchased another copy for myself so that I never ran the chance of damaging another prized possession. Then I managed to scratch the disc, by accident, that caused a little more b-bop in G-Bop, so I had to replace it. Well, my mother was a fan upon the album’s release so I gifted her a copy.

You may wonder why I purchased so many copies. I’ve purchased five of those copies over the years and streamed the album countless times.

Since its release in 1992, Breathless has amassed sales of over 12 million units.